October Meeting Recap 2019
We thank the Town of Jupiter for hosting this month's meetings.
Board Meeting The Board approved its 2020 Treasure Coast Planning Council appointees.
The Board heard a committee report from the Legislative Committee and approved the League's 2020 Legislative Priorities. They also heard a committee report from the PBC Water Resources Task Force.
General Membership Mayor Todd Wodraska welcomed the membership to the Town's Community Center.
The Mayor, who was also the guest speaker for the meeting spoke to the past present and future of Jupiters economic developments.
League Counsel Keith Davis updated us on pertinent legal issues (for full report go to our News:Meeting Notes page).
Executive Director Richard Radcliffe informed the membership of upcoming events (Social Media Workshop, Ethics Training, FLC Legislative Conference and Holiday Network Event (BBQ).
Next month we will be at the Benvenuto's Restaurant in Boynton Beach.