October Meeting Recap 2016
We thank the Village of Wellington for hosting this month's meeting at their newly remodeled community center.
Board Meeting The Board approved the associate member applications for Arnstein & Lehr and Sustainable Palm Beach County.
The board approved letters supporting the rehabilitation of the Herbert Hoover Dike, C-51 priority project designation by the SFWMD and a resolution support FLC President Mayor Susan Haynie's initiative
"Safe Cities, Safe Florida".
The Board received committee reports from five FLC Policy committees along with a Sober Homes task force and Education Committee update.
League Counsel Jennifer Ashton's full report can be found on our News:Meeting Notes page.
Executive Director Richard Radcliffe reminded the board of the Tri-Cities BBQ on December 2nd at the Pahokee Marina.
General Membership
At the General Membership Meeting the membership heard from FLC President Mayor Susan Haynie on her initiative "Safe Cities, Safe Florida", which included a resolution template. The membership also heard from Jorge Pesquera of Discover the Palm Beaches.
Click here
to view his presentation.
Next month we will be in Boynton Beach at Benvenuto Caterestaurant.