June Meeting Recap 2017

Palm Beach County League of Cities
July 10, 2017

We thank the City of Delray Beach for hosting us at the Delray Beach Golf Club.

Board Meeting The Board appointed Councilmember David Norris and Manager Chandler Williamson as regular and alternate, respectively, on the Treasure Coast Regional Planning Council; Mayor Anne Gerwig to the PBC Homeless Advisory Baord; Councilmember Rachelle Litt to the Eater Resource Yask Force; Commissioner Sylvia Moffett to the PBC Re-Entry Task Force; President Keith James to the Issues Forum Executive Committee and Assocaite Member Michael Corbit to the Education Internship Ad Hoc Committee.

President James informed the board of his League Committee Chair selections, which the board approved along with the committee members.

The board recommended Councilwoman Dawn Pardo of Riviera Beach and Vice Mayor Pro Tem Andy Amoroso of Lake Worth along with Presidnet Keith James to be on the Florida League of Cities Board of Directors.

The board received reports from the FLC Policy Committees.

General Membership 

FLC Legislative Director Scott Dudley awarded the FLC Legislative Awards.

Our featured speakers were Jackson Longan, Regional Outreach Manager and Marty Walker, Senior Outreach Services Coordinator of the Oxford House, Inc. who spoke on the "Oxford House: The Standard for Sober Homes".

League Counsel Jennifer Ashton updated us on pertinent legal issues (for full report go to our News:Meeting Notes page).


Next month we will be at the Riviera Beach Marina Newcomb Hall on July 26th.