February Meeting Recap 2016

Palm Beach County League of Cities
March 1, 2016

We thank the small cities of Atlantis, Golf, Gulf Stream, Haverhill, Hypoluxo,Manalapan, Ocean Ridge and South Palm Beach for hosting the League meetings at the Atlantis Country Club.

Board Meeting

The Board approved the associate memberships applications for DeLisi, Inc., SCS Engineers, Sustainable Srinkler, Inc., Y Grene Energy Fund and Siemens.

The board approved a resolution proclaiming March Ethics Awareness Month.

General Membership The Small Cities hosts welcomed the membership tp the Atlantis Country Club.

The guest speaker was Executive Director John Thomas of the Florida League of Mayor's who spoke to the membership about crisis communications.

League Counsel Jennifer Ashton updated us on pertinent legal issues (for full report go to our News:Meeting Notes page).

Executive Director Richard Radcliffe reminded everyone of the upcoming National League of Cities.

Next month we will be at the Greenacres Community Center on March 23th.