August Meeting Recap 2014
We thank the Village of Wellington for hosting the League meetings at their
community center.
Board Meeting The Board approved All Aboard Florida,
Collective Water and the America Red Cross assocaite member applications.
The Board selected South Palm Beach Councilor Bonnie Fischer as the League's
recommendation to represent Palm Beach County on the Southeast Florida Coastal
Ocean Task Force.
The Board also selected Mayor Steve Wilson of Belle Glade as the League appointee on the County Administrator Selection Committee.
The Board heard from the new Inspector General Mr. John Carey and Palm Beach
Aggregate representative Mr. Ernie Cox on the C-51 reservoir.
Executive Director Richard Radcliffe informed the board of the Florida League
of Cities Annual Conference and that he will be attending the FLC Fly- In in
DC on September 9-10th.
General Membership
Our featured speaker was Executive Director Michael Busha of the Treasure
Coast Regional Planning Council.
League Counsel Trela White updated us on pertinent legal issues (for full
report go to our News:Meeting Notes page).
Next month we will be at the West Palm Beach Gaines Park
Community Center.