April Meeting Recap 2016

Palm Beach County League of Cities
May 25, 2016

We thank the City of Riviera Beach for hosting the League meetings at their newly renovated Newcomb Hall.

Board Meeting The Board heard a presentation from the Inspector General John Carey regarding his preliminary budget.

The board approved the FY2016-2017 budget and dues.

The board appointed Commissioner Keith James of West Palm Beach to the Criminal Justice Commission; Commissioner Chip Block of Jupiter Inlet Colony to the Water Resource Task Force; and Manager Bill Thrasher of Gulf Stream to the Homeless Advisory Board.

The board heard committee reports from the ITE and Citizens Advisory Committee on Health and Human Services committees.

General Membership Council Chair Dawn Pardo welcomed the membership to the Riviera Beach Marina Event Hall.

Scholarship Chair Mo Thornton presented the remaining two scholarship awards to the recipients.

FLC Legislative Advocate, Ms. Megan Sirjane-Samples presented this years legislative awards: Manager Bill Thrasher, Gulf Stream; Mayor Susan Haynie, Boca Raton; Council Chair Dawn Pardo, Riviera Beach; Senator Joe Abbruzzo, District 25.

Our featured speaker was Executive Director Mark Crosley of FIND informing the membership of "What It Does and How It Affects You".

The General Membership approved the 2016-2017 board of Directors slate. (for slate go to our About Us: Board of Directors page)

League Counsel Jennifer Ashton updated us on pertinent legal issues (for full report go to our News:Meeting Notes page).

Executive Director Richard Radcliffe reminded everyone to reserve their seat for the Installation Gala in May.

Next month we will be installing the 2016-2017 Board of Directors at the Kravis Center. (You may view our calendar for the Gala information.) RSVP deadline is May 9th.