April Meeting Recap 2013
We thank The Village of Palm Springs and Republic Services for hosting the
League at the G-Star School of the Arts.
Board Meeting The Board approved the Associate membership
applications of
Pannone, Lopes Devereaux & West, LLC, Jenna Austin and Diana
Demrest. Welcome to the League!
The Board made an appointment to the County/Regional Committees: Councilmember
Jeff Hmara of Royal Palm Beach was appointed to the alternate seat on the
Treasure Coast Regional Planning Council.
Committee Reports: The board heard reports from Mo Thornton on the Commission
on Ethics Ordinance Drafting Committee, Commissioner Keith James on the NLC
Finance, Administration and Intergovernmental Relations and Valentin Rodriguez
of the Criminal Justice Commission.
Executive Director Richard Radcliffe reported on the Water Taxi Task Force
meeting he had with the municipalities and informed the board that the Sober
House Bill died in the House.
General Membership Palm Spring's Mayor Bev Smith
welcomed the membership to the G-Star School of the Arts. County Commissioner
Shelly Vana, whose district includes Palm Springs, was present.
Our featured speaker was Jane Grant, President of Pierson Grant Public
Relations on Managing the Media During a Crisis.
The General Membership approved the 2013-14 proposed slate of Officers and
Board. To view the slate you can visit
League Counsel Trela White updated us on pertinent legal issues (for full
report go to our News page).
Next month we be installing our 2013-14 Officers and
Directors at the Kravis Center on May 22nd. If you would like to attend or be
a sponsor, visit
for more information.